The following Conditions are related to Depression
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Creutzfeldt-jakob disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is marked by rapid mental deterioration, usually within a few months. Initial signs and symptoms typically include: Personality changes Anxiety Depression Memory loss Impaired thinking Blurred vision or blindness Insomnia Difficulty speaking Difficulty swallowing Sudden, jerky movements As the disea Read More
- Harrington syndrome
A rare genetic disorder called Harrington syndrome causes the gradual death of brain nerve cells. Harrington syndrome, which often results in mobility, cognitive, and psychological disorders, has a substantial impact on a person's functional capacities. Huntington's disease symptoms can appear at any age, but most typically appear in adults in their 30s or 40s. When the disorder appears for the first time before the age of 20, Read More
- Jakob-creutzfeldt disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare degenerative brain disorder (i.e., spongiform encephalopathy) characterized by sudden development of rapidly progressive neurological and neuromuscular symptoms. With symptom onset, affected individuals may develop confusion, depression, behavioral changes, impaired vision, and/or impaired coordination. As the disease progresses, there may be rapidly progressive deterioration of cognitive pr Read More
- Subacute spongiform encephalopathy
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare degenerative brain disorder (i.e., spongiform encephalopathy) characterized by sudden development of rapidly progressive neurological and neuromuscular symptoms. With symptom onset, affected individuals may develop confusion, depression, behavioral changes, impaired vision, and/or impaired coordination. As the disease progresses, there may be rapidly progressive deterioration of cognitive pr Read More
- Systemic mastocytosis
Systemic mastocytosis (mas-to-sy-TOE-sis) is an uncommon condition in which too many mast cells accumulate in the body. Mast cells are a kind of white blood cell. Mast cells can be found in connective tissues all over your body. Mast cells aid in the efficient functioning of your immune system and, in most cases, help shield you from disease. Excess mast cells accumulate in your skin, bone marrow, digestive tract, Read More